Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Dopest Crunk"

My found footage video! WATCH WATCH WATCH!

This is a video I made using WWll educational and propaganda footage. I used the Prelinger archive for footage. The song is Dope Crunk by Beats Antique.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"Blues stay away from me"

De Young Inkwash

"Its like being superman."
Inkwash, ink and graphite

"For Travel in the Lands Beyond: Homage to Norton Juster"

I made a travel journal based on the travels of Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth, my favorite book. Just to show how much work went into it I made a video as well. The picture you see above is the front cover. This book was made from found objects, collage, drawing, ink, watercolor, photographs, burnt paper, fabric, sewing etc. The picture below is of all the pages that went into the book.



New and old

I took an old drawing and embellished it. Watercolor, pen and graphite.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

This is longing

Longing is reaching for something, but never knowing if you will be able to grasp it.

In process ceramics piece...



Some old art

Fire and Ice


Orthographic study

Punk Girl

Collage with embroidery

The Castle in the Air

This was an assignment for class. It is my representation of the Castle in the Air from the book "The Phantom Tollbooth" by Norton Juster. It is about 6ft tall and 4 ft wide. I used ink wash, graphite, pen and paper cut with butcher paper behind it.

Plates Plate Plates

I learned how to make decals recently (basically just a way of printing images on to ceramic pieces). These are a few of the plates that were a result of my experimentation. 


This is just a few pieces I've been working on in my sketchbook. I have been experimenting with pen and paint pens recently.

Sketch book art

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A few photos from our "Vintage Photoshoot"

Model: Breanna
Photographer: Amelia McCrea

Model: Amelia McCrea
Photographer: Breanna

Models: Jasmine and Izzy
Photographer: Amelia McCrea

The most amazing creature to walk the earth....

"Tasmanian Wolf"

aka "Tasmanian Tiger"


The Tasmanian Wolf/Tiger/Thylacine was probably one of the most amazing creatures on the planet. It was a carnivorous  marsupial (from the kangaroo family). It walked on four legs bit had a pouch. It could also open its mouth at a 90 degree angle.

SADLY, due to over hunting the Tasmanian Tiger went extinct in 1936

stupid humans....

I did this piece using slab, with porcelain for the teeth, clear glaze, slip and stain.

House on the Hill

House on the Hill
This piece reflects the solitude that we all feel in our lives at one time or another. It is the act of being alone. We all feel as though we completely alone at one point or another. Sometimes that solitude can be good for your mental development.

Soldate clay, slip, clear glaze, underglaze, black stain

The lady in the mirror.....

The Lady in the Mask
The work of Gris Grimly inspired this drawing.

Marker, ink, trace paper


This was done for a Dance/Art show to support Darfur.

Ink, graphite, trace paper and coffee

"Tears of joy"

"Tears of Joy"
We can cry when we are happy too. I did this piece during lunch one day. She crys because happiness can be hard to bear.

Graphite, and ink on a sketchboard

Maori Warrior

Every once and awhile you just need to let out that warrior cry

Scratchboard drawing

Butterfly Lady

This was a quick drawing I did when I was feeling trapped

Marker, and pen on a matteboard

Clothed figure study


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tecopa Pupfish

Tecopa Pupfish extinct 1981
Cause: Destruction of habitat

Clay, clear glaze, slip and black stain

Golden Toad

Golden Toad extinct in 1989
Cause: Destruction of habitat

Black Rhino

This piece was part of a concentration I did on animals that have gone extinct due to Human involvement. The Black Rhino went extinct in the wild in November of 2011. This was caused by over-hunting and habitat destruction.